"Difference brings us together to work as a unit and hopefully try to improve the world for the better."
Ashley (participant)

"I can now express better how I feel through the power of drama."
Sian (participant)

"I always asked mum and dad why I was different to others but I’ve come to realise that being different means I have a different perspective, a unique point of view on things which I can bring to drama performance."
Emily (participant)

"I’m not like everyone else. At school I was always picked on – they didn’t take on my difference. In this group nobody’s trying to be the same like they are at school: we’re all different."
Anthony (participant)

"Picture the Difference gives us that purpose of life, the reason to actually get up on a Monday morning, to know that we are not alone and there's people out there who want us around. To have something as special as Picture the Difference it's a blessing."
Nat (participant)

"I’ve learnt the way communication works for me and my friends working together using facial expressions, gestures, speeches etc." "
Ryan (participant)
"Since I've come to PtD it's made me happier. I feel like it's made my heart a bit bigger and improved my confidence."
Jonathan (participant)

"I’ve noticed that my confidence has grown and I have understood the different concepts of communication. Difference for me means being unique in your own way. When I was looking for work they felt I couldn’t do it when I know that I can – I just need a little help. I want to send a message out there: Yes we have got disabilities and learning difficulties but we are able to work!"-
Danielle (participant)