The PtD Artists' Directory
We are committed to supporting neurodiverse and additional needs artists within Northamptonshire.
This page provides a space to showcase this art, connect with other artists and receive commissions.
If you are an additional needs artist and would like to feature in this directory, then get in touch.
We also provide enterprise guidance, promotion and sales opportunities in order to help you succeed - all for free!

Max Champion
A digital art and animation specialist working for PtD and freelance.
Max can skillfully create cartoon style digital art and animations on most themes, independently working to a clear brief. He has a witty and inventive response to a theme and can expertly personalise characters to individual physical traits.

Ryan Lunness
A skilful digital art creator with a special interest in medieval & train personalised art.
Ryan can create excellent, personalised, family group portraits in a royal, anthropomorphic character style, Ryan enjoys creating unique mash-ups of characters from cartoons, video games and Shakespeare.

Ashley Grant
A talented artist working in pen and ink as well as digital with a special interest in anthropomorphic animals (e.g foxes, rabbits, badgers) within a cloaked, with a hint of friendly vampire!
Artwork can be personalised with messages and motivational quotes that link to design elements.

email Ashley via admin@picthediff.com